Monday, May 3, 2010

Days like these

It's days like these where you have so much to say but silence is your best answer. It's days like these where a burning hot shower doesn't even phase you because you're distracted by the beautiful White Orchard Milk and Warm Vanilla Essence of your soap. It's days like these that you turn up J.Bieber and wonder why he's singing about such intense relationships but you don't care cause his little girl voice is slightly godly. Yes, a 13 year old can be considered as godly. It's days like these where you take a nap and get mad cause you wake up with no memory of any dreams you had... therefore, a waste of a nap. It's days like these where the 7 bracelets up my arm need a few more to turn a kick back into a party. It's days like these where you just leave your phone in your room because there is no one who can alter a day like this more than it already has been altered. It's days like these where your room has been his by the atom bomb and you are completely content and comfortable with just basking in it's fluffiness. It's days like these where you kid yourself that "Smart Water" might actually help you get an A on the 7 page paper you are writing. It's days like these where you think too much and aren't actually listening to the words that come out of the mouths around you. It's days like these that my favorite Green/Blue nail polish has become the reason your day is like this and that pink is the new green/blue. It's days like these where one second your heart is racing and blood is pumping faster than ever through your veins yet you are in a constant stare with a dull facial expression. It's days like these where you let other people take the reins instead of controlling the things you can not. It's days like these where you just want to excessively write "it's days like these" just because your fingers are so shakey that they need to do something productive. It's days like these where you make a pbj at dinner and end up destroying it and turning it into Frankenstein because you have a loss of appetite. It's days like these where technology is just not cuttin it for ya. It's days like these where a nice warm hug is needed but the people to give one to you are 600 miles away. It's days like these where I realize I am 19, not 37. It's days like these where a simple day at a secret spot is much needed. It's days like these where your puzzle's missing pieces will appear tomorrow. Tomorrow, will not be a day like this.

1 comment:

  1. If it weren't for "days like these" we wouldn't appreciate the "tomorrows" as much, huh girl? :) I love you!
